Ted Talk topic: Growth Mindset

Thinking of a topic was really difficult for me. I honestly couldn’t think of one idea that was an issue for making that needed a solution and I think I was being too narrow minded when it came to thinking of issues. I went back in our posts and someone mentioned it in our twitter chats about growth mindset. Growth mindset can be an issue for tinkering or making, if the child has a fixed mindset the task at hand can be torture, but if the child has a growth mindset than the task becomes something for them to tackle and overcome.

Growth vs Fixed mindset is something that is always going on in the classroom and outside of it. A lot of people believe that they can’t learn any more that they reached their end of their learning journey. They have a fixed mindset. Makerspaces can have an amazing effect on students mindsets and their belief in themselves. Makerspaces are spaces where tinkering and making happen, but its also an area where students work together to discover solutions and more. This group work helps students to see their full potential.

On the other hand makerspaces do have the potential to be an area of frustration and failure, teachers need to be careful how long they allow the student to be frustrated before stepping in and helping. If not handled correctly makerspaces can foster fixed mindsets.

Growth mindset is when student believe that they can achieve learning tasks that they have the potential to learn new things. Your mindset can alter your quality of life and happiness. (20 growth mindset examples 2020). Having a space where failure is expected and can help you figure out the solution is great and allows for the student to become confident in themselves and to grow into having a growth mindset.

Makerspaces can help students to become more confident in their learning, to not be scared of failing and trying to come up with new ways to solve the solution. Making involves playful experimentation with different tools, gathering feedback and sharing their process with others makes for a powerful context for learning. Makerspaces allow children to explore with new ways of creating in a positive atmosphere. ( Peppler, Halverson, Kafai 2016) Growth mindset flourishes in makerspaces because making a mistake isn’t taken as “no, sorry that’s the wrong answer” a mistake is just a new way to discover a way to make something. Mistakes are almost expected and wanted so that the child can work through it and come up with another way to make. Growth mindset is important in Makerspaces and in life.

I am looking for another source to use for my TED talk.

2 thoughts on “Ted Talk topic: Growth Mindset”

  1. Jane,
    I choose to use growth mindset for my Ted Talk too! I feel like a fixed mindset is an unspoken problem in our k-12 schools. Talking about growth mindset in the classroom has become somewhat of a trend, but having discussions about growth mindset isn’t enough. Makerspaces offer an opportunity for students to experience challenges that force them to need a growth mindset!
    I can’t wait to see what your take is on this topic.

  2. Hi Jane,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree with you that a growth mindset is very important to have when making and troubleshooting. A growth mindset is definitely a useful skill to have when trying to problem solve and figure out why something isn’t working out. As you mentioned a student with a growth mindset is more likely to persevere whereas a student with a fixed mindset is more likely to get frustrated. I am looking forward to watching your TED Talk. Nice work!


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