Burning man

I had a hard time coming up with materials for this project. Since we have all been forced to stay home I have done some deep cleaning and reorganizing. I don’t have many spare items that I could find. I ended up finding a reusable shopping bag, a empty wine bottle, plastic easter eggs, a carboard box with a clear window, a scoop, and some skewers.

After finding these materials which took more time than I thought, I had to think about what I would make with the materials. I just had my daughter in December 2019 and decided I would make a doll in her honor. I am going to use the wine bottle for the base and main structure of the doll’s body. Then cut up the reusable shopping bag and use it as the dress. Use the skewers as arms, the cardboard box as the head and the eggs as ears and the scoop as a hat.

Now, I had to determine how and where to add the LED lights. I could make it the eyes, or throughout the dress. I decided to put them throughout the dress as i thought that would be very pretty. I am only going to put LEDs in the front of the dress as I don’t have a whole lot of them to go throughout the whole dress. I decided to use chibitronics LEDs as the kit is easy to use and more flexible to use on objects than Arduino.

The making process went like this: first, I stood the wine bottle up and then measured the shopping bag to it. Second, I cut the length and poked head and arm hole in the skirt. Third, I attached the arms and placed the cardboard head. Fourth, I put the eggs as eyes (i changed them from ears to eyes ) in the cardboard box. Fifth, I attached the scoop as a hat. Lastly, I took off the head and skirt and lined the skirt with LEDS from the chibitronics kit and put everything back together. The pictures show the end result.

I am really happy with how the end result. She is complete, but i won;’t mind if she was to go up in flames.

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